Vision Statement
Xiao-Yun Fan, Foggix CEO

We believe - the future is in your hands!

You might feel curious why we rephrase this old English proverb as our vision statement. Here comes the answer.

Foggix is a startup company fertilized by Fraser Valley - one of the best dream lands in the whole world. 

After more than 20-year professional IT career in North America, from programmer to enterprise architect and then chief technology officer, I experienced almost everything a business IT journey need to go through. After the legal retirement, a number of my IT friends decided to setup a new company to do something meaningful to our life or simply call it a dream that we had not fulfilled yet.

The dream is simple but challenging that is cutting the cost of IT services to help the vast number of small and middle size businesses to catch up with the fast advancement of the digital economy worldwide.

This is big! One can easily challenge our goal because our team currently is too small to get the job done. We knew it, that is why we need a strategic plan to face the challenge, that is why we created an innovative business model -a union of home-based businesses chain-up with blockchain based decentralized autonomous organization (Foggix DAO), a new token driven micro economic ecosystem.  

IT professional from Home based business understand the pain quite well because themself is the smallest in SMB community. 

All of the ideas above inspired our team to come up this simple vision statement: 

    We believe - the future is in your hands!

Here, "your" means SMBs worldwide, including ourselves. It is a huge community and contribute about 60% employment opportunities to global economy, that means more than half of people's living. If we can successfully satisfy their demanding, we become great influencers to the better future of our planet earth!

To get there each member of our Foggix DAO from Canada, USA and China are working from home every day and moving pretty fast. If you believe our vision and would like to contribute to it, please send us a message to We have many opportunities to help you becoming the great influencer to our better future.

How to Join the Digital Economy Party
The strategic plan to get benefit out of CDAP and SR&ED program.