Community Blockchain Service

Problem: The SMB clients are constantly facing challenges in supply chain finance, value chain management, and quality traceability, more reliable data share and evidence traceability mechanisms is expected.

Solution: We developed a dedicated Community Blockchian (CBC) solution for SMB clients based on Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) and Interplanetary File system (IPFS) to address the issues.

Foggix Community Blockchain

Based on distributed sharable ledger and distributed hypermedia file storage technology,  Foggix CBC provide advanced solution to support supply chain finance, and cross company clearance and product quality traceability.

Why Choose Foggix CBC?

Four reasons make the Foggix CBC the best option.


Data once stored cannot be modified or altered.


Stored data are transparent to all designated users in the community.


Smart consensuses will prevent fraudulent activities.


Advanced crypto algorism and reliable hypermedia file store make it trustable.