ALIBABA – Data Experience Centre in Hangzhou, China - 阿里巴巴杭州大数据展厅

我们不做设计,我们只是设计小素材的搬运工。 We do not design, we are only small material porters. 设计人(designer):VAVE GmbH 原网址(Site source): 简介(Introduction): China‘s largest online retailer and data company recently launched its Data Experience Centre in Hangzhou, China. VAVE designed the interactive exhibition of 3000 sqm to experience the field of big data. The visitor’s journey starts with an immersive multimedia show in the centrally located theatre. A total of 120 people can experience the power and capability of realtime data through a comprehensive multimedia show. The interactive principle of the show starts with the activation of a personal sphere connected to each seat. 1200 spheres form a huge kinetic LED light installation. To represent the endless amount of data in our life, the kinetic sculpture is extended through a huge spy mirror in front of a 120 sqm LED wall. In combination with an integrated LED floor on the stage, the interactive show generates an overwhelming holographic effect. The showroom provides different interactive exhibits that are connected to each other providing visitors with a better understanding of the order of big data. Visitors can explore how unstructured data can turn into useful tools to make their lives more comfortable. 中国最大的在线零售商和数据公司最近在中国杭州成立了数据体验中心。 VAVE设计了一个3000平方米的互动展览,以体验大数据领域。 访客的旅程始于位于中心剧院的沉浸式多媒体表演。通过全面的多媒体表演,总共120个人可以体验实时数据的强大功能。表演的互动原理始于激活连接到每个座位的个人空间。 1200个球体构成了巨大的动态LED灯装置。为了代表我们生活中无休止的数据量,动感雕塑通过120平方米LED墙前的巨大间谍镜延伸。结合舞台上集成的LED地板,交互式表演产生了压倒性的全息效果。 陈列室提供了相互连接的不同交互式展览,可以使访客更好地了解大数据的顺序。访客可以探索非结构化数据如何变成有用的工具,使他们的生活更舒适。

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